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Classification Using Naive Bayes Example

method.  Click Help – Example Models on the Data Science ribbon, then Forecasting/Data Science  Examples to ... performance of the classification method. Recall that in this example, we are classifying pilots on whether ... The following example illustrates Analytic Solver Data Science’s Naïve Bayes classification ...

admin - 04/08/2024 - 08:01

Principal Components Analysis Example

Principal Components Analysis Example Two examples appear in this section to illustrate the ... Principal Components  Analysis Tool in Analytic Solver Data Science.  Each example uses the example file, ... Utilities.xlsx.  This example dataset gives data on 22 public utilities within the US. Open this dataset by ...

admin - 08/15/2024 - 14:51

Hierarchical Clustering Example

Hierarchical Clustering Examples Two examples are used in this section to illustrate how to use ... Hierarchical Clustering.  The first example uses Raw Data and the second example uses a distance matrix.  ... Hierarchical Clustering Using Raw Data Example The utilities.xlsx example dataset (shown below) holds corporate ...

admin - 08/16/2024 - 08:16

Get your Frontline XLMiner Update

Platform V2015 include powerful text mining, ensemble methods for classification and regression trees as ... well as neural networks, with boosting, bagging and " random forest " combination algorithms. ... New features in both XLMiner Platform V2015 and XLMiner Pro V2015 include feature selection methods ...

admin - 12/20/2014 - 20:51

k-Means Clustering Example

The example contained in this section uses the Wine.xlsx example file to demonstrate how to create ... a model using the k-Means Clustering algorithm. Open this example file by clicking, Help – Example Models, ... then Forecasting/Data Science Examples.  As shown in the figure below, each row in this dataset ...

admin - 06/16/2024 - 18:55

Data Mining

tree models. XLMiner V2015 now features three of the most robust ensemble methods available in data ... mining: Boosting, Bagging, and Random Trees.    Resources Classification Methods: Used to categorize a set ... predict the response variable value based on a predictor variable.  Ensemble Methods: Used to create ...

briansheehan - 09/08/2015 - 00:25

Multiple Linear Regression Example

Multiple Linear Regression Example The example fits a linear model to the Boston Housing dataset ... upload the Boston_Housing.xlsx example dataset.  A portion of the dataset is shown below.  The last ... variable, CAT.MEDV, is a discrete classification of the MEDV variable and will not be used in this example ...

admin - 08/16/2024 - 10:42

Risk Solver- Sampling / Distributions

Random Number Generators Sampling Methods Random Number Streams Probability Distributions Random Number ... Powerful Random Sampling and Probability You don't give up any power to gain Risk ... Solver's ease and speed of use.  In fact, Risk Solver gives you more choices for random number generation, ...

admin - 09/06/2012 - 11:47

Simulation Tutorial- Introduction

on a computer.  As the name implies, Monte Carlo methods rely on random sampling of values for ... Simulation Models Simulation Methods Monte Carlo Simulation Simulation Applications Simulation is one of the ... most widely used quantitative methods-- because it is so flexible and can yield so many useful ...

admin - 08/14/2024 - 17:14

OptQuest Solver Engine for Excel

OptQuest Solver makes greater use of strategic choices and less use of randomization. For example, the ... Advanced Methods The research effort leading to the OptQuest Solver Engine is described in the ... and tolerances to improve the speed and effectiveness of its metaheuristic methods on various types of ...

admin - 08/02/2012 - 14:09
